感謝小佘的IDEA 所以我又去梅姨的官網找每一本書封面的涵義
不過很遺憾的是 我找不到關於Eclipse(蝕)的涵義相關的回答,我想可能是跟New Moon一樣,那並不是梅姨自己挑的吧!!
所以她也不知道有什麼涵義… >"<

PS.感謝禾禾跟我們分享New Moon跟Eclipse的說明

Q. What’s with the apple?

A.在Twilight(暮光之城)封面上的蘋果 - 代表著『禁果』。

- 史蒂芬妮。梅爾

A. The apple on the cover of Twilight represents “forbidden fruit.” I used the scripture from Genesis (located just after the table of contents) because I loved the phrase “the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.” Isn’t this exactly what Bella ends up with? A working knowledge of what good is, and what evil is. The nice thing about the apple is it has so many symbolic roots.

- Stephenie Meyer


「耶和華 神吩咐他說:『園中各樣樹上的果子,你可以隨意吃,只是分別善惡樹上的果實,你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死!』」


Q.New Moon(新月)封面上的花是什麼種類的呢?它又有什麼涵義呢?
Q. What kind of flower is that on the cover, and what does it mean?

A.那是一朵被弄皺的鬱金香,而它的涵義…如果你讀過Twilight FAQ的話,你就會了解那個蘋果封面,對我來說有著很多意義,而我努力在它隱藏的寓義中。
不論如何,這個經驗與出版界的規則比起來還要更引人非議;如果你打算要把寫作當成一個職業,那有些事你一定要銘記在心,很多事也許會在你的控制範圍之外,例如:封面,這大部分取決於出版商與行銷部門,所以我也不知道鬱金香的意義是什麼 - 我沒有對這個(封面)做過什麼事。

A. That is a ruffled tulip. As for the meaning... If you've read the Twilight FAQ, you know that the apple cover had a lot of meaning for me, and I was an active part of the covering process. However, that experience is more the exception than the rule in the publishing world. Something to keep in mind if you intend to embark on a career as a writer: lots of things you might expect to be under your control are not. Covers, for example. Those are mostly up to the publisher and the marketing and sales departments. So I don't know what the tulip means—I didn't have anything to do with this one.

補充說明 -

這本書的書名主要說明新月是Bella 人生中最黑暗的時期~


Q.Breaking Down(破曉)的封面涵義是什麼呢?
What does the cover mean?

A.Breaking Dawn(破曉)的封面是象徵Bella在整個傳說中所有的歷程,在這個棋局裡,她一開始時是最脆弱的(至少跟吸血鬼們與狼人們比起來)玩家:小兵,而到最終她卻是最強的一個:皇后,在最後,是Bella為Cullens帶來了勝利。

A.Breaking Dawn's cover is a metaphor for Bella's progression throughout the entire saga. She began as the weakest (at least physically, when compared to vampires and werewolves) player on the board: the pawn. She ended as the strongest: the queen. In the end, it's Bella that brings about the win for the Cullens.

Q.那Breaking Down標題的涵義是什麼呢?
What does the title mean?

A.這個標題Breaking Dawn是與Bella開始了吸血鬼的生命有關。
The title Breaking Dawn is a reference to the beginning of Bella's vampire life.

Sorce:Twilighters anonymous & StephenieMeyer.com
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    Obsessed In Twilight

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